Academic Probation and Suspension
Academic Probation Process
According to the Academic Standing Policy, students must maintain a 2.0 or better cumulative GPA to be considered in “good academic standing.” Each semester after carefully reviewing students’ academic records, the Academic Standing Committee places students who have fallen below good academic standing on Academic Probation. Students on academic probation are then notified of their status via mail and Susquehanna University email.
As a condition of Academic Probation, students must complete the following requirements through the Center for Academic Success (CAS) during the semester(s) they have academic probationary status:
- Complete a Plan for Success and collaborate with a CAS staff member to put the plan into action. (Communication about creating the plan will come from the CAS before the semester begins.)
- Meet regularly with a professional staff member in the CAS as a check-in to support positive academic progress.
A few good practices for ALL students to keep in mind:
- The CAS is available for academic support throughout each semester for ALL students. Contact us at or 570.372.4412.
- We strongly suggest taking advantage of the peer tutoring available to students through the CAS and through academic departments. For more information on tutoring, please go to Tutoring.
- Communicate often with the professors in each of your courses to be sure you fully understand the material and to be on top of your academic standing in their courses.
- Review your syllabi often so that you are prepared to complete assignments, papers, projects, quizzes, and exams on time.
- Attend all classes (even if the classes are entirely online) and be an active participant in your learning. Participation can be a very important factor in your course grade but it can also be a very important factor in YOUR learning.
Academic Suspension Process
Academic suspension is the end result of falling below Susquehanna University’s standards for good academic standing. Students who are academically suspended are not eligible to register for classes and are required to take time away from the institution.
Students are notified of their academic suspension by phone, email and a letter that is sent home.
The first academic suspension must include at least one semester and one summer and, depending on circumstances, may require two semesters and one summer. If the student again meets the criteria for academic suspension after readmission, they will be permanently suspended from the university.
To understand requirements related to the academic progress policy for financial aid, students can contact Student Financial Services. To discuss vacating the residence hall, students can contact Residence Life.
To help you prepare for a strong return, examples of actions you can take during your time away include:
- Working closely with a Center for Academic Success staff member
- Earning grades of C or higher in coursework at another institution
- Finding full-time employment or volunteer opportunities
- Working consistently with a health/mental health professional
When you are ready to return to Susquehanna, please visit Returning to the University.
Supporting Your Student
In the Center for Academic Success (CAS), we believe that parents and supporters should have a role in their student’s education, and we want to partner with you to help your student build the skills necessary to be successful at SU. We encourage you to have a conversation with your student about their academic status and recommend the resources below as a good place for parents and supporters to begin.*
- Academic Probation in College
- What to Do If Your College Student Is on Academic Probation
- What Academic Probation Is and How to Avoid It
*Although the resources above specify academic probation, they are certainly applicable to returning from academic suspension as well.
Helpful Definitions
Academic Probation: Status when a student has a cumulative grade point average below 2.00.
Academic Suspension: Status when a student is on academic probation and fails to make progress towards good academic standing after one semester or fails to achieve good academic standing after two semesters.
Academic Standing Committee: Committee consisting of five voting faculty members, the Senior Director of the Center for Academic Success, the Dean of Students and Campus Life, and the Registrar. The committee is tasked with reviewing the academic records of students on academic warning and probation and taking appropriate action in cases of unsatisfactory academic progress.
Canvas: Susquehanna’s online learning management system.
Medical Provider: Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Neurologist, Licensed Psychologist, or Licensed Professional Counselor, Or other licensed and certified practitioner
Plan for Success: Online form designed as a tool to help students reflect on their academic strengths and challenges to be able to better plan for academic success.